h1. Bootstrap heading |
Semibold 36px |
h2. Bootstrap heading |
Semibold 30px |
h3. Bootstrap heading |
Semibold 24px |
h4. Bootstrap heading |
Semibold 18px |
h5. Bootstrap heading |
Semibold 14px |
ยา ลด น้ |
Semibold 12px |
现在的风口是什么呢?相信很多人看过这张图 网友调侃说留给共享单车的颜色已经
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Class | Description |
Applies the hover color to a particular row or cell |
Indicates a successful or positive action |
Indicates a neutral informative change or action |
Indicates a warning that might need attention |
Indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action |
# | Column heading | Column heading | Column heading |
1 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
2 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
3 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
4 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
5 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
6 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
7 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
8 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
9 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
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